From our area
Browse through these atractions and stories about the area.

We’d like to thank the hospitality industry for participating in our recent survey about how we can assist guest-houses and B&B's across the province in saving water. There has been an overwhelmingly positive response to our initiative of supplying water-saving shower heads and mirror decals to guest-houses and B&Bs. Through a partnership with the Western Cape Government, Wesgro, CapeNature and Airbnb, 2 300 showerheads will be provided to the industry (free of charge), along with 2 300 mirror decals. The shower-heads will save up to 70% on water consumption and 30% on energy consumption and fit all shower fittings.
This initiative will help the tourism industry save at least 70 million liters per year. Every drop counts!
If you wish to receive water-saving shower heads and mirror decals, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note that we will set up central distribution points across the province for collection.
Thank you for playing your part in saving water. We can only address this crisis by working better together.
“ Dis olyftyd.....en dit beteken vars olyfolie vir die tafel, die slaaie, pastageregte, vis- en vleisgeregte! MAAR my bome het net een of twee olywe gedra! (foto is bewys van my drag) Ook maar dankbaar, want op die oomblik is die spreeus ‘n baie groot probleem...weens die droogte is daar nie baie vir hulle om te vreet nie en natuurlik is ander mense se bome gelaai met heerlike sappige swart en ryp olywe....dis net swart spatsels waar jy kyk! Maar dis net die eenkant van die saak. Die anderkant is, ek het geen olywe om in te le nie!!!
Olywe aard baie goed in Suid-Afrika.....ook op Vanrhynsdorp met ons kalkgrond....die van u wat al in Israel was, weet dat hulle kalkheuwels baie sterk ooreenkom met ons sin en sal ook weet hoe baie olyfboorde hulle het en vir hoeveel jare hulle al olywe oes. In die tuin van Getsemane wys hulle jou bome wat uit Jesus se tyd dateer. Mnr Piet Cillie van die plaas Rhebokskloof op Wellington word beskou as die vader van die olyfbedryf in SA. Maar soos almal van ons weet is ‘n rou olyf nie ‘n baie aangename vrug om te eet nie. Dis bitter en frank. Die olyf bevat ‘n substansie genaamd “oleuropein” wat dit die bittersmaak gee. MAAR hoe het mense honderde jare gelede uitgevind om dit eetbaar te kry? Een van die stories is dat agv die oneetbaarheid, die olywe in die see gestort is. 'n Strandloper het een opgetel wat lank in die seewater rondgedobber het, hy het dit geproe en die res is geskiedenis! Soutwater (brine) het die vermoe om die bitterheid uit olywe te trek. En hoe bly is ek vir mense met waagmoed!
Who says you only come to Namaqualand for flowers? We took a ride up OU BERG yesterday...Ou Berg is the hind part of what is known as the Gifberg...altogether officially known as the Matzikama mountain. We chose the Pendoornkraal route (a circular route going up to the top of the mountain via Urionskraal and back down via Ou Berg, past Waterval’s gate and back onto the Urionskraal road). The rock formations alongside the road are amazing..... and we played an old game, driving thru this rocky area, where you try to see/associate every formation of rock...we spotted many a creature from crocodiles to bush babies, Babylon’s gardens and Tutankhamen’s temple!!!??? The view from the top is absolutely can see for miles and miles at end; and the fynbos, just like the rooibos tea fields are lush and green. AND there is still quite a bit of wild flowers to be seen!!
Travelling towards the mountain you go past kilometres of vineyards and still more is being planted alongside the road. Mostly table grapes, grown and exported for the European market. The boxed grapes are hauled/carried by huge trucks to get the grapes as soon as possible to the export depot!
Another favourite route in this area is the Kobee valley.... same kind of topography. These routes are very popular with mountain bikers and each December we get guests who come just for doing the gravel mountain passes.
Pictures were all taken in the Ouberg area.

'n Splinternuwe museum!!!!....het op ons dorpie oopgemaak. Die Bus Museum...en dit het eintlik niks met busse te make nie. Alles uit dae lankverby. Goed geordern en gerangskik: ploee, strykysters, fietse, melkkanne, alle soorte plaasimplimente, huishoudelike goed en beste van alles, langsaan staan die GROEN BUS ingerig as ‘n koffiewinkel. Op ons heerlike sonskyn dae kan mens op die lekker onderdakstoep sit vanwaar jy ‘n baie mooi blik oor die dorpie het. Alles in ‘n baie plattelandse omgewing, op die dorpsgrens!!

Vanrhynsdorp has a brand new museum!!....called the “bus museum” and it has nothing to do with busses except that you can enjoy a lovely cup of tea or coffee in THE GREEN BUS. It has a lovely canopied patio for the nice sunny days we so enjoy, overlooking town. It is located on lefthand side of road leading to the Caravan Park and Gifberg. The museum houses all kinds of old household and farming equipment, all saved from the scrapyard!