Aan't Dorpseind B&B

083 630 9611 | info@aantdorpseind.co.za

The car registration numbers in town tell the whole story ....everyone is here to see our beautiful flowers. And soon the bulbs in our neighbouring town, Nieuwoudtville, will be in full bloom. The botanical gardens just outside Nieuwoudtville already have big patches of "satyn blomme". Just about 8km out of Vanrhynsdorp en route the Gifberg Mountain, you will find fields of flowers, all colours of the rainbow and best is, the farmers do not mind you opening a gate to get a closer look. Important however is just to close the gate again and stay on the used tracks. A lot of  visitors do not do justice to their experience by not getting out of their cars and have an "on-foot" look at the flowers. The variety you spot within any given square metre will blow you over. Try it!

If you have spare time before or after your flower session, visit our “renewed” old goal in Vanrhynsdorp. They cater for the young and not so young. Definitely worth a visit....enjoy a cup of  coffee  while you are browsing. Dont miss the old Toyota “behind” while you step back into time! Right next door is the Muishuis coffee shop and next to that M&I for fish and chips or something light on their patio.
See you soon?


Aan't Dorpseind B&B 2016

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